30 Οκτωβρίου – Individuals in associations: structuring civil society (Mario Diani)

This paper looks at data from the 1990 and 2008 waves of the European Values Survey to illustrate a dualistic approach to the structure of civil society. Focusing on Italy, the United Kingdom, and Germany, it explores the connections between fourteen different types of associations, based on individuals’ active multiple memberships; it also identifies clusters of individuals that share relatively similar combinations of associational memberships. The exercise enables us to identify a number of cross-country differences on key properties of both organizational and individual networks. Such properties include the strength of the link between political parties and unions; the consolidation of a cluster of organizations associated with the “new social movements” (environmentalists, human rights, peace, women’s); the location of individual citizens on the left-right or the materialist vs. post-materialist axis, or their openness to protest, and their role in shaping individual networks…[Το κείμενο της παρουσίασης]